A few weeks ago I gave a brief overview of the Buildbot <->Taskcluster Bridge that we've been developing, and Selena provided some additional details about it yesterday. Today I'm happy to announce that it is ready to take on production work. As more and more jobs from our CI infrastructure move to Taskcluster, the Bridge will coordinate between them and jobs that must remain in Buildbot for the time being.

What's next?

The Bridge itself is feature complete until our requirements change (though there's a couple of minor bugs that would be nice to fix), but most of the Buildbot Schedulers still need to be replaced with Task Graphs. Some of this work will be done at the same time as porting specific build or test jobs to run natively in Taskcluster, but it doesn't have to be. I made a proof of concept on how to integrate selected Buildbot builds into the existing "taskcluster-graph" command and disable the Buildbot schedulers that it replaces. With a bit more work this could be extended to schedule all of the Buildbot builds for a branch, which would make porting specific jobs simpler. If you'd like to help out with this, let me know!