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Configuring uWSGI to host an app and static files

This week I started using uWSGI for the first time. I'm in the process of switching Balrog from Vagrant to Docker, and I'm moving away from Apache in the process. Because of Balrog's somewhat complicated Apache config this ended up being more difficult than I thought. Although uWSGI's docs are OK, I found it a little difficult to put them into practice without examples, so here's hoping this post will help others in similar situations.

Balrog's Admin app consists of a pretty standard Python WSGI app, and a static Angular app hosted on the same domain. To complicate matters, the version of Angular that we use does not support being hosted anywhere except the root of the domain. It took a bit of futzing, but we came up with an Apache config to host both of these pieces on the same domain pretty quickly:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot /home/vagrant/project/ui/dist/

    # Rewrite virtual paths in the angular app to the index page
    # so that refreshes/linking works, while leaving real files
    # such as the js/css alone.
    <Directory /home/vagrant/project/ui/dist>
        RewriteEngine On
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d

        RewriteRule ^ - [L]
        RewriteRule ^ index.html [L]

    # The WSGI app is rooted at /api
    WSGIScriptAlias /api /home/vagrant/project/admin.wsgi
    WSGIDaemonProcess aus4-admin processes=1 threads=1 maximum-requests=50 display-name=aus4-admin
    WSGIProcessGroup aus4-admin
    WSGIPassAuthorization On

    # The WSGI app relies on the web server to do the authentication, and will
    # bail if REMOTE_USER isn't set. To simplify things, we just set this
    # variable instead of prompting for auth.
    SetEnv REMOTE_USER balrogadmin

    LogLevel Debug
    ErrorLog "|/usr/sbin/rotatelogs /var/log/httpd/ 86400 -0"
    CustomLog "|/usr/sbin/rotatelogs /var/log/httpd/ 86400 -0" combined

Translating this to uWSGI took way longer than expected. Among the problems I ran into were:

  • Using --env instead of --route's addvar action to set REMOTE_USER (--env turns out to be for passing variables to the overall WSGI app).
  • Forgetting to escape "$" when passing routes on the command line, which caused my shell to interpret variables intended for uWSGI
  • Trying to rewrite URLs to a static path, which I only discovered is invalid after stumbling on an old mailing list thread.
  • Examples from uWSGI's own documentation did not work! I discovered that depending on how it was compiled, you may need to pass "--plugin python,http" to give all of the necessary command line options for what I was doing.

After much struggle, I came up with an invocation that worked exactly the same as the Apache config:

uwsgi --http :8080 --mount /api=admin.wsgi --manage-script-name --check-static /app/ui/dist --static-index index.html --route "^/.*$ addvar:REMOTE_USER=balrogadmin" --route-if "startswith:\${REQUEST_URI};/api continue:" --route-if-not "exists:/app/ui/dist\${PATH_INFO} static:/app/ui/dist/index.html"

There's a lot crammed in there, so let's break it down:

  • --http :8080 tells uWSGI to listen on port 8080
  • --mount /api=admin.wsgi roots the "admin.wsgi" app in /api. This means that when you make a request to http://localhost:8080/api/foo, the application sees "/foo" as the path. If there was no Angular app, I would simply use "--wsgi-file admin.wsgi" to place the app at the root of the server.
  • --manage-script-name causes uWSGI to rewrite PATH_INFO and SCRIPT_NAME according to the mount point. This isn't necessary if you're not using "--mount".
  • --check-static /app/ui/dist points uWSGI at a directory of static files that it should serve. In my case, I've pointed it at the fully built Angular app. With this, requests such as http://localhost:8080/js/app.js returns the static file from /app/ui/dist/js/app.js.
  • --static-index index.html tells uWSGI to serve index.html when a request for a directory is made - the default is to 404, because there's no built-in directory indexing.
  • The --route's chain together, and are evaluated as follows:
  • If the requested path matches ^/.*$ (all paths will), set the REMOTE_USER variable to balrogadmin.
  • If the REQUEST_URI starts with /api do not process any more --route's; just satisfy the request. All requests intended for the WSGI app will end up matching here. REQUEST_URI is used instead of PATH_INFO because the latter is written by --manage-script-name
  • If the requested file does not exist in /app/ui/dist, serve /app/ui/dist/index.html instead. PATH_INFO and REQUEST_URI will still point at the original file, which lets Angular interpret the virtual path and serve the correct thing.

In the end, uWSGI seems to be one of the things that's very scary when you first approach it (I count about 750 command line arguments), but is pretty easy to understand when you get to know it a better. This is almost the opposite of Apache - I find it much more approachable, perhaps because there's such a littany of examples out there, but things like mod_rewrite are very difficult for me to understand after the fact, at least compared to uWSGI's --route's.